Saturday, August 1, 2009

Battle of the Beasts

My friends I have reached a new ground with these films. I am honestly at a loss for a loser. Do I fault the original for its cheesiness when the technology was simply not available at that time? Do I blame Jackson's version for being so damn long when he was able to achieve EVERYTHING that the original was trying to? I think there is only one answer. For the first time...we have...a...


The first one lacked the technology but was still very entertaining. Its a movie I honestly would not mind watching again--which is a big accomplishment for an oldie, no matter how classic or groundbreaking. The remake was fantastic. It was Cooper's movie fully realized.

But don't just take my word for it. Go watch both films. Watching them back to back will help you appreciate both films so much more. Seriously, go. Then come back here and tell me if you agree. :)